
Showing posts from July, 2021

12. Dosha- General description of Tridosha. Inter relationship between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa- Guna. Biological rhythms of Tridosha on the basis of day-night-age-season and food intake. Role of Dosha in the formation of Prakriti of an individual and in maintaining of health. Prakrita and Vaikrita Dosha.

 12. Dosha- General description of Tridosha. Inter relationship between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa-Guna. Biological rhythms of Tridosha on the basis of day-night-age-season and food intake. Role of Dosha in the formation of Prakriti of an individual and in maintaining of health. Prakrita and Vaikrita Dosha.


 11. PURUSHA In slide 11, the following is the correct sentence. "Purusha is combination of the six dhatavah namely Pruthvi, Apa, Teja, Vayu, Akasha and Brahman, the Un-manifested one."